Lai, Chih

University of St. Thomas’s

Dr. Lai is a professor within the Department of Data Science at the University of St. Thomas’s School of Engineering, located in St. Paul, Minnesota, USA. He has taught courses in Artificial Intelligence, Vision AI, Machine Learning, and Healthcare Analytics. With Deutsch Fellowship for Academic Exchange Scientists,Dr. Lai worked as avisiting scientist at the Helmholtz National Research Center (UFZ) in Germany. He additionally held a visiting professorship in the Informatics Department at Trier University of Applied Science in Germany. Dr. Lai has collaborated extensively with industry on numerous A.I. projects, including the aircraft collision avoidance system (with the FAA), monitoring & evaluating Parkinson patients following deep-brain stimulation surgery (with Medtronic), analyzing post-surgery images (with University of Minnesota), identifying organs in fish embryos (with UFZ), imputing missing genes (with UFZ), and detecting counterfeit products.